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1 Results For 'phone break up'


April 19, 2015 @ (Melbourne, Australia)

Tags: Bad breakup, living together, phone break up

I was in a very committed relationship with my ex, where we moved in with each other after one and a half years. Things were going well (I thought) with the occasional bickering of two people who live together but there was never a day when we didn't say we loved each other. About six months in, one day after we had spent a lovely day pulling 'sickies', having brunch, watching our favourite TV show together, I received a phone call from our landlord while at work. She was calling me to confirm if someone under the name of (my ex), needed a reference for a new lease. I thought it was some sort of mistake so I told her not to worry about it and hung up. She called back immediately and suggested that I find out what the situation is from my ex. So, I duck out thinking I'd make a quick phone call to sort out a silly misunderstanding. He picks up after a couple of rings, I tell him the story and his reply was 'Yes, I'm really sorry you had to find out this way but I'm moving out tonight, I was going to tell you after work'. It was a legit WHAT THE F. moment.